
Monday, 31 March 2014

Is Technology Niche No Longer a Good Niche?

Posted by techblown
By nagaraju .p in blogging

These days blogging is one of the hottest career option and many of the engineers or net savvy people are creating blog and earning handsome income out of it. I’m also an engineer by education, and when I starter blogging; I started with a tech blog here. Later on, my interest shifted to online marketing, and that’s how ShoutMeLoud got the niche. This post will clear some of your most FAQ related to technology niche, and should you have a blog on tech or not.
Engineers are supposed to be closely connected to Internet and most of engineers starts with a blog & most of them select niche as technology. Couple of days back, one of ShoutMeLoud readers asked me is Tech niche a good niche to start a blog or not? He was afraid that Technology blogs are overcrowding internet and he might not get success.
I believe this is the same question most of the beginners bloggers are facing. Here I’m sharing my view points which might help you to decide if getting into this overcrowded niche is a good idea or not.

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Type of Tech blogs:

There are different types of Tech blogs like one which is publishing news posts, another one publish tutorials and so on.  First thing which you need to decide is what kind of tech blog you are trying to build. Is it going to be tutorials, news, or review blogs. Below I’m sharing example of some of the common types of technology niche blog

News tech blog:

If you are building news tech blog, you are suppose to be one of the early news breaker. If you are publishing 2 days old news, getting success with such strategy is limited. If you become an authoritative source to publish latest updates, people will like to follow your updates and follow your blog closely for instant updates.  Such niche is good if you are working online most of the time. One of the most common question asked is, how to get latest tech topics. Start subscribing to popular news breaking tech blogs email newsletter, Facebook fan page updates.

Tutorials Tech blog:

Such blogs are more popular than any other blog. For example HowtoGeek. As tutorials posts are time taking posts and requires complete knowledge of the topic, so it’s  not for everyone. But if you are comfortable with writing tutorials on any particular topic, like Windows 8,  iPhone, you can start a tutorial blogs. Such blogs take more time than News tech blog to build traffic, but in long run, conversion and more money is in this niche blog. More over, my suggestion would be pick a sub-topic which are going to last for long. For example, computer care is one of those topic that will last for long ( Securing your online profile, securing your computer, anti-viruses).

Reviews Tech blog:
Reviews tech blog requires you to have sound tech knowledge. You need to pick one micro niche like mobile phone reviews, laptop reviews, software reviews and you can start such blog. Specially mobile and laptop reviews blogs are popular. Though money is in micro niche blogs like antivirus reviews blog, where you can use affiliate links to increase your income tremendously. Specially, amazon affiliate program is going to be very useful for your Tech blog.
Quality of content:

This is the most common attributes of any successful blog. It doesn’t matter what kind of blog you are running, but you need to come up with quality content which will connect you to your readers. If you are using too many technical jargon, probably basic users, won’t be able to follow your posts. You should create a balance in your article to make sure, any average person  can understand the tech aspect.
If you want to create a successful tech blog, I would suggest start a tech blog on a particular topic. Like iPhone news and hacks, Gadgets reviews, nokia news, Windows news and tutorials and so on.
The idea here is apart from micro niche sites, all generic niche sites are crowded. To stand ahead of other blogs, you need to pick one good niche, write quality content, optimize your blog for search engine and social media.

My strategy with Technology Niche blog:

So far I have tried 4 technology niche blog, and they are still making money for me via AdSense and affiliate marketing . Initially I started with a blog targeting news related posts, but with time it’s more painful to manage such news tech blog, because the amount of news we have to share is huge. At times you will find it tough to cope up with all the latest tech-stuff happening around. After running this blog for 2 years, I decided to stop working on it, and work on another portal which will focus more on ever-green content. So, I started, which is still up and running.
In between, I also experimented with small-micro niche blog related to niche topics like Cydia, iPhone and they are working out pretty good. For example, one of my small niche blog is making over $200/month and with little work. If you want to read the complete strategy of that blog, here is the blue-print for you.


Technology blog is a hot niche and what you need to focus is on providing quality and add value. If you are publishing on a regular basis, you will soon get good traction on your blog. Don’t be scared of millions of others tech-blog out there, as there is no competition for quality.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask me via comments. What do you feel about tech niche? Is it over-crowded or safe niche to blog?

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