Boot up: Steam rising, Nokia banning HTC in the UK, GTA 5 marketing genius and more
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Plus Apple suggests turning your laptop off and on again if it's
behaving badly, Samsung sells more phones than Apple, Nokia and
BlackBerry combines, flying drones get a roll cage, and more
Valve's Steam gaming service trumps Xbox Live with 65m subscribers.
Recent numbers released by Valve show a steady 30% rise in active accounts, bringing its total active users to 65 million.
This number overshadows Microsoft, where Xbox Live only boasts 48 million members.
Impressive stuff from Valve, but Sony's 110m PSN accounts dwarf both
steam and Xbox Live. Perhaps that's because the PSN is free and Xbox
Live isn't?
There is now a section labeled ‘Accessories’ under the Google Glass
help site, listing items including chargers, earbuds, shades and
shields, swapping frames and pouches — and then linking users to the
accessory store.
Now you can buy accessories for Google Glass, it's just a shame most
of us don't have Google Glass in the first place. The real question is,
given wider availability, would you pay the £1,000-odd price of entry?
It is also no secret that Samsung is probably the biggest name when
it comes to Android devices, what with them selling 5 million Galaxy
Note 3 handsets to date, with their overall sales reported to be around 1
million devices a day. However it seems that might only be the tip of
the Samsung iceberg as ABI Research has found, along with some
additional number crunching by Android Central, that for Q3 2013,
Samsung has managed to sell more smartphones than Apple, BlackBerry, and
Nokia. Combined.
And that's why Samsung's making money hand over fist, although its enormous marketing budget surely helps those sales numbers.
According to the new support page, Apple is aware of the issue and
working on a permanent fix. The fix will likely come by way of a
software update via the Mac App Store. Until it is released, the issue
can be remedied by closing the computer for a full minute and then
waking it back up.
Great, you might as well turn it off and turn it on again,
considering the speed with which SDD-based machines like the retina
MacBook Pro boot up.
As a result of winning the case, Nokia said it would seek an
injunction against the "import and sale of infringing HTC products in
the U.K. as well as financial compensation." It added that the size of
the compensation it is seeking and the nature of a potential sales ban
is a matter for further discussion with the court.
Nokia's going for HTC's jugular in the UK. HTC seemingly just can't catch a break right now.
43 percent of iPhone 5s units sold were space gray, while 30 percent
were silver and 27 percent were gold. Supplies of the space gray model
were more readily available than the silver and gold iPhones, but
consumers have demonstrated a preference for the black iPhone in the
Something tells the the limited supply of the gold and silver iPhone
5S massively skewed these results. Let's just say that in the queue for
the iPhone 5S at its launch in Covent Garden in London, everyone seemingly wanted a gold one.
Small, agile drones will be among some of the first robots on the
scene. But navigating debris fields and crumbling buildings in search of
survivors presents a number of challenges. The average drone can't take
an impact from falling debris or bounce it's way through tight
passages. That's why the folks at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems
at EPFL have worked up designs for drones that can take a hit and keep
on flying.
Great, until those same drones that can take a hit and keep flying turn on us...
One feature of the game that surprised many players when they first
started playing Grand Theft Auto V was the fact you could take selfies
with the cellphones of in-game characters, resulting in many humorous
images to be posted online. Rockstar realises you all really enjoy this
feature, and as a result has put together its first Snapmatic Photo
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